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As a content creator who loves research, I am passionate about helping brands show who they are and what makes them valuable by creating content and copy which is tailored to them

I've worked with The New Indian Express as a contributing reporter as well as several other media houses and magazines to write researched and crisp content. You'll find a few of the articles that I've written below.

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How Proozy Uses PushOwl to Sell Branded Fitness Gear

Analysed Proozy and the brand's push marketing performance and interviewed them to draft a case study to understand their achievements using push notifications


The State of Mental Health in Cancer Patients

This article was an assignment that I picked up for the cancer magazine I was writing for because of the lack of content surrounding mental health and cancer.


Unfair and Lovely

A look into one of the oldest cosmetic brands in India and the negative mindset it has instilled in Indian women about the color of their skin for the past few decades

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5 Free Push Notification Templates To Ace Your Abandoned Cart Reminders

A comprehensive blog post outlining the different ways store owners can successfully turn abandoned carts into a purchase. The blog includes a downloadable Notification Packet. for easy notification creation.


Cancer Finds a New Ally in Gut Bacteria

One of my assignments is to research and write articles related to cancer for an oncologist's lifestyle magazine. This is the recent one on the discovery of a bacteria that aids cancer treatment.


Travel Without Limits

This article is about a venture started by two young travellers who wanted to remove barriers for visually challenged individuals so that even they can travel at ease.

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Articles for Indian Express

As a contributing reporter for Indian Express, I wrote feature stories on various thoughtful brands and initiatives.

Zoom in to read them.

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